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Live Well, Work Well - October 2022

What to Know About This Year’s Flu Season - Influenza (flu) season lasts from October through May in the United States, with peak flu activity happening between December and March. The country’s flu activity has been...

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Cyber Liability: The Importance of Two-factor Authentication

As cyber attacks become more and more common, protecting your data is increasingly difficult. In fact, a study from Juniper Research found that by 2023, cyber criminals are expected to steal an estimated 33 billion...

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News Brief: Wages Increasing Near the Pace of Inflation

Reports Show 2022 Wages Increasing Near the Pace of Inflation - According to HR services provider ADP, salaries have been rising rapidly, nearly on par with inflation. Year-over-year pay raises increased by 7.6% leading...

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Work Comp Insights: Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs

- Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs - When a company experiences significant increases in workers’ compensation costs, it usually triggers internal activities aimed at reducing insurance costs and...

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News Brief: DHS Proposes Permanent Rule Allowing Remote Verification of Form I-9 Documents

DHS Proposes Permanent Rule Allowing Remote Verification of Form I-9 Documents - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have recently proposed a permanent rule to...

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Legal Update: Final Rule Implements Ban on Surprise Medical Billing

Legal Update: Final Rule Implements Ban on Surprise Medical Billing - On Aug. 19, 2022, the Departments of Labor (DOL), Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Treasury (Departments) jointly released a final rule...

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Live Well, Work Well - September 2022

The Art of Mindful Eating - Taking time to be mindful of your eating process and not focusing on restricting calories could enhance your awareness of the experience, improve your relationship with food and help you lose...

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Deep Work - Improving Your Productivity

“Deep work” is a trendy buzzword swirling around the productivity conversation. But what is it? Deep work is someone’s ability to work in a state of peak concentration and focus for a long period of time without...

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Work Comp Insights: These Three Trends Could Have Big Implications for Workers’ Compensation

Legislation surrounding the gig economy, single-payer health insurance and marijuana legalization all have the potential to impact the U.S. workers’ compensation system, according to a National Council on Compensation...

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The Impact of Sleep on Mental Health

Not only is your physical health affected when you don’t get enough sleep, but it also takes a toll on your mental health. In fact, mental health and sleep are so closely related that a lack of sleep can often lead to...

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