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Work Comp Insights: FMLA and Workers’ Compensation

FMLA and Workers’ Compensation – Common Questions Answered - The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and state workers’ compensation laws may both cover an employee who suffers a serious health condition while...

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Work Comp Insights: Who to Communicate With During a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Who to Communicate With During a Workers’ Compensation Claim - Simply put, communicating with all relevant parties involved in workers’ compensation claims (e.g., employees, supervisors, medical providers and claims...

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Work Comp Insights : How Return-to-Work Programs Impact Workers’ Compensation Expenses

How Return-to-Work Programs Impact Workers’ Compensation Expenses - Workers’ compensation expenses are determined by a wide range of factors; however, one of the most significant cost components in any workers’...

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Work Comp Insights: Types of Transitional Duties in Return-to-Work Programs

Types of Transitional Duties in Return-to-Work Programs - When an employee experiences an occupational illness or injury, their eventual return to the workplace can create considerable challenges, putting significant...

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Work Comp Insights: NCCI Experience Modification Factor 2024 Changes FAQs

NCCI Experience Modification Factor 2024 Changes FAQs - The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) is making alterations to its experience modification factor for 2024. These changes are slated to go into...

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Work Comp Insights: Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs for Employers and Employees

Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs for Employers and Employees - According to the National Safety Council, a worker gets hurt on the job every seven seconds. And when an employee experiences an occupational illness or...

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NCCI Experience Modification Factor 2024 Changes FAQs

NCCI Experience Modification Factor 2024 Changes FAQs - The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) is making alterations to its experience modification factor for 2024. These changes are slated to go into...

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Risk Insights: The Importance of Safety Orientations in Onboarding

- - The Importance of Safety Orientations in Onboarding - Minimizing workplace injuries is vital for businesses across industry lines. Especially as it pertains to new employees, implementing safety orientations in the...

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Work Comp Insights: Utilizing a Nurse Triage Program

Utilizing a Nurse Triage Program - One of the most significant factors that affect the cost of workers’ compensation claims is the time it takes for a worker to receive medical treatment. It is essential that employees...

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Work Comp Insights: Interstate vs. Intrastate Experience Modification Rating

Interstate vs. Intrastate Experience Modification Rating - An experience modification rating (EMR) is a numerical indicator crucial in workers’ compensation insurance. It quantifies an employer’s workplace safety and...

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Know Your Benefits: Assessing the Viability of AI as a Self-diagnosis Tool

- - Assessing the Viability of AI as a Self-diagnosis Tool - Artificial intelligence (AI) has created revolutionary advances across many industries. Now, it’s paving its way as a tool to self-diagnosis medical...

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Work Comp Insights: Impact of AI

- Impact of Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Workers' Compensation - Recent years have seen artificial intelligence (AI) surge in popularity. Such technology encompasses machines, computer systems and other...

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Risk Insights: 5 Myths About Manual Lifting

- 5 Myths About Manual Lifting - Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the leading cause of injury in the health care field. These injuries occur in large part due to overexertion related to repeated manual patient-...

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Work Comp Insights: Creating a Workers’ Compensation Process

For the unprepared, workers’ compensation (WC) issues can be both confusing and costly. Fortunately for employers, there are ways to actively engage WC issues to influence their outcomes. Through management controls and...

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Work Comp Insights: When is a Workers’ Compensation Claim Compensable?

When is a Workers’ Compensation Claim Compensable? - Carefully evaluating workers’ compensation claims is crucial in helping your company save money and prevent fraud. Workers’ compensation is simply a form of insurance...

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Work Comp Insights: Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs

- Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs - When a company experiences significant increases in workers’ compensation costs, it usually triggers internal activities aimed at reducing insurance costs and...

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Work Comp Insights: These Three Trends Could Have Big Implications for Workers’ Compensation

Legislation surrounding the gig economy, single-payer health insurance and marijuana legalization all have the potential to impact the U.S. workers’ compensation system, according to a National Council on Compensation...

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