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HR Compliance Overview: Federal Youth Employment Laws

Federal Youth Employment Law - The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) oversees and enforces federal youth employment laws through the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Under the FLSA, employers are prohibited from employing “...

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HR Compliance Bulletin: Overview of the EEOC's workplace Guidance to Prevent Harassment

Overview of the EEOC's workplace Guidance to Prevent Harassment - On April 29, 2024, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published its final guidance on harassment in the workplace, which went into...

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Compliance Bulletin: New HIPAA Rule Will Require Updates to Privacy Notices

New HIPAA Rule Will Require Updates to Privacy Notices - On April 26, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final rule that strengthens the HIPAA Privacy Rule by prohibiting the...

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ACA Compliance Overview: HHS’ FAQs on Section 1557 Nondiscrimination Final Rule

HHS’ FAQs on Section 1557 Nondiscrimination Final Rule - Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in certain health programs...

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HR Compliance Bulletin: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About the DOL’s Final Overtime Rule

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About the DOL’s Final Overtime Rule - On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a final rule to amend current requirements employees in white-collar...

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Compliance Bulletin: Mental Health Parity Compliance Remains a Key Focus in 2024

Mental Health Parity Compliance Remains a Key Focus in 2024 - The federal government is continuing its efforts to improve access to mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) care in 2024, with a top enforcement...

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Compliance Overview: OSHA’s Worker Walkaround Designation Process Frequently Asked Questions

- OSHA’s Worker Walkaround Designation Process Frequently Asked Questions - On March 29, 2024, OSHA announced its final rule that clarifies the rights of employees to authorize a nonemployee, third-party representative...

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HR Compliance Bulletin: New CDC Isolation Guidance and Employee Leave Considerations

- New CDC Isolation Guidance and Employee Leave Considerations - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new guidance that individuals no longer need to isolate from work for five days following a...

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HR Compliance Overview: DOL Independent Contractor Rule

DOL Independent Contractor Rule - Worker classification directly impacts employee eligibility for benefits, legal protections (such as minimum wage and overtime rights) and taxation. Employee misclassification is a...

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News Brief: EEOC Significantly Increased Discrimination Lawsuits in FY 2023

EEOC Significantly Increased Discrimination Lawsuits in FY 2023 - Preliminary data from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) showed that the agency filed 50% more employment discrimination lawsuits in...

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Risk Insights: AI + Employment Decision

Leveraging AI in Employment Decisions - Organizations are increasingly utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in employment-related decisions. According to the Society for Human Resources Management, around 25% of...

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Work Comp Insights: Interstate vs. Intrastate Experience Modification Rating

Interstate vs. Intrastate Experience Modification Rating - An experience modification rating (EMR) is a numerical indicator crucial in workers’ compensation insurance. It quantifies an employer’s workplace safety and...

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Work Comp Insights: Reading an Experience Modification Worksheet

How to Read an Experience Modification Worksheet - An experience modification worksheet, often referred to as an experience rating worksheet or experience mod worksheet, is important in workers’ compensation insurance....

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HR Insights: EEOC Identifies Practices for Preventing Workplace Harassment

- - EEOC Identifies Practices for Preventing Workplace Harassment - The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued guidance for preventing workplace harassment. Although the report was aimed at...

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Legal Update: EEOC Issues New Guidance on Visual Disabilities and the ADA

- - EEOC Issues New Guidance on Visual Disabilities and the ADA - On July 26, 2023, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued new guidance that explains how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)...

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Legal Update: Workplace Violence Poster Required in Texas

- New Law Requires Poster on How to Report Workplace Violence - On June 14, 2023, Texas enacted a new law, House Bill (HB) 915, that requires employers to post a notice about how employees may report workplace violence...

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